
Preparation of Manuscripts

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Preparation of Manuscripts

Manuscript Format
The following components are required for a complete manuscript: title page, abstract, text, references, figure, legends, and tables. Include page numbers on the document, beginning with the title page as No.1. Please use standard Arial 9-point font size of A4 paper with one and a half – inch margins for all sides and 1.5 spacing.

Title page
The following items are required on the title page:
- Manuscript title
- Each author’s name, academic degrees, and affiliation
- Complete mailing address, telephone, facsimile, and E-mail for correspondence and reprints
- Sources of support that require acknowledgment and/or financial disclosure statements.
- 3-5 keywords.

Abstract: An unstructured summary of not more than 300 words should be provided that can be understood without reference to the text.

Text: Headings should be appropriate to the nature of the article. The text should be written as objectively as possible. Numerals should be spelt out in full from one to nine (except when referring to a measurement), and when beginning a sentence.

1. Research and experimental papers should follow the usual conventions, as follows:
Introduction Setting forth clearly the aim of the study or the main hypothesis, with reference to previous studies.
Materials or Study population and Methods

Results Presented in logical sequence in the text, with tables and illustrations. All the results of the tables should not be repeated in the text; the most important results should be emphasized.

Discussion Related to the aims and results of the study.

2. Other papers can be subdivided as the author desires; the use of headings enhances readability.

Format. Submit references are on the following instructions.
• List references in a separate reference section immediately following the text.
• Verify all references prior to submission.
• No.references sequentially in the order cited in the text.
• Do not cite personal communication, unpublished observations, and submitted manuscripts. Reference to a paper accepted but not yet published can be listed as “in press.”.
• Provide names of all authors in a reference when there are six or fewer; if there are seven or more authors, list only the first three, followed by “et al.”

Reference types. Following are requirements and examples for common reference types:
• Journal references include the specified information listed in the following order— authors, article title and subtitle, journal abbreviation, year, volume Arabic numerals, and nclusive pages. Example: Borkowski, J.J. Spherical Prediction Variance Properties of Central Composite and Box-Behnken Designs, Technometrics, 1995; 37: 399-410.
• Book references include the following: authors, title, edition (if other than the first), volume (if more than one), city, publisher, and year. Example: MATLAB High Performance Numeric Computation Software, MATLAB Users Guide, MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA, 1992.
• Electronic sources References to online sources should include the type of medium (such as “serial online” or “monograph online”), the date of that specific reference (if applicable), the uniform resource locator (URL), and the date that the source was accessed. For web pages, please include the name of the page referenced. A source accessed online should always be referenced accordingly, even if it is also published in printed form. Example: Nakamura, S., Yao, T., Aoyagi, K., Ikda, M., Fujishima, M., Tsuneyoshi, M. Helicobacter pylori and primary gastric lymphoma: a histopathologic and immunochemical analysis of 237 patients. Cancer [serial online] 1997;79:3-11. Available from URL: [accessed Dec. 1, 1998]. Example: American Cancer Society. Cancer reference information. Available from URL: [accessed January 26, 2006].

Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of their references and for correct text citation.